Geoffrey Bartlett Sculptures

Lessons in Gravity, 1984 by Geoffrey Bartlett

Lessons in Gravity


Painted Steel

3.2 x 4.2 x 3.0 m

Collection: Parliament House, Canberra

Two of the most significant works acquired for Canberra's Parliament House Art Program (1985 to 1988) were Geoff Bartlett's painted steel sculptures Two Points of View (1985) and Lessons in Gravity (1984). The works act as dynamic counterpoints to the long, massive, granite, curved walls which face the Chambers of the House of Representatives and the Senate, The integration of art and architecture was critical to the success of the Art Program. The acquisition and placement of Bartlett's sculptures exemplify most clearly the power of such integration.

Bartlett made the two large sculptures in New York, where he lived in 1984 and 1985. During this period he was consolidating ideas about the 'potency of opposites'. According to the artist, 'seduction and grace are balanced with unease and disturbing precariousness'.

from Geoffrey Bartlett by Katrina Rumley, 1994